
About Movie

I'm sorry...
I was absent before class...


・Do you agree or disagree with the author (who is Japanese). Please explain why in your blog.

I agree with her. Because man is selfish and candid than woman. Especially Japanese guy is shy and non-passionate. I sometime don't understand what they want and thinking. For example, in the case of "Instead of taking her in his arms and declaring likewise (as she had envisioned) he looked acutely embarrassed, turned away and muttered: "Sou yuno, nashini shiyoyo (Let's not go there)." , although he definitely make a meaningful behavior to her, when it comes to the crunch, he has no backbone and take back what he does. I think woman is excitable but man is too cool at all times.



・Have you ever eaten in a foreign restaurant? Where? What did you eat? Did you make any mistakes? Please explain your experience. Did you learn anything?

Yes, I have. I ate French in luxury hotel of Tokyo. I did not make big mistake. However, I was strained from beginning to end. Because that situation was very formal and there were splendid atmosphere. I have learned about table manners before, but I could not relaxing and my mind went blank. I just remember vaguely French taste. By now, I think that the experience was a good lesson to me.


About Movie

・Do you think this is a true story?

Yes, I do.
In fact, I guess mixed marriage have a lot of problems.
For example, there are language and culture difference.

・Can this really happen in today's modern times?

I think so.
Recently, mixed marriage has now lost a lot of it's novelty is no longer anything out of the ordinary.
However there are a lot of people how be proud of home country.
So I think this problem really happen now days.



1.Since Japanese weddings are expensive, do you think having a massive wedding like Korea or UAE is a good idea?

I think massive wedding like Korea or UAE is very good. In my opinion, should wish a person good trip with a lot of people. So, I want to hold a wedding splendidly.

2. What do you think about eloping? Having a wedding in a foreign location like Hawaii?

In case of despite of couple loving each other them parents are strongly against them marriage, I think couple have to elope. I think wedding is married in Hawaii is so fantastic!!

3.What is your ideal wedding?

My ideal wedding is married in sea side church with a lot of people. My family and husband's family and friends. And I want to changing my clothes many times at my wedding reception.

4.What would you definitely do, wear or go to on that big day? Why is that important?

I want to wear a snow-white wedding dress. Because I think it is a once-in-a-lifetime chance.

5. Have you ever been to a foreigner's wedding? What was your impression?

No I've never. But I am interested in foreigner's wedding. Especially I want to go to the Korean wedding. Because Korean wedding is massive and national costume (chimachogori) is so cute.



1. Time is money.
I think this means that time is precious and valuable thing.
Waste of time is no better than a waste of money.

2. A stitch in time saves nine.
I think this meaning that you should beware of something before run into a stone wall.
This proverb like a "Providing is preventing".

3. There's no time like the present.
Maybe this means that don't lose your chance.
Present is the oppotunity of a lifetime.

4. Let's meet at 4. If I'm not there by 5, leave without me at 6, and I'll be there at 7.
I'm not sure what this meaning.
Surely, this means that it is very important things that be punctual to the minute in human relations.

・It is a sign of good luck to have a tea stalk floating erect in your tea.
・If you whistle at midnight, snakes swarmed around your house.



・Do you think it is important to talk about superstitions in cross culture communication class? Why? Is communication affected by superstitions?

Yes, I think it is very important things. Because it is important and interesting to learn foreign country's culture and history. So I think that led to know cross culture to widen my knowledge. I think superstitions sometime influences communication.

・Do you believe in superstitions?If yes, what superstitions do you believe?

Yes, I believe in them very much. For example, I believe in if you whistle at midnight, snakes swarmed around your house. So if I do them, I am scolded by parents. And, If a hearse through past near you, you should hide your fingers. Because fingers means your family. Thumb mean father and forefinger mean mother something like that.

・Why do you do, use, or believe in them?

Because these superstitions are an ancient tradition. I think everyone should follow a long-standing practice.